Trekking & Zipping Through The Trees in Collingwood

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When we started the planning process for our girls getaway bachelorette weekend the plan was to find a place that had a lot to do at night, and also some cool places to visit during the day.  While there are lots of places that offer adventure Collingwood also has a great night life, which made it an easy choice.  Caves, hiking and lots of great places to eat and shop?  We were sold!

Collingwood Village

Located between the ski hills of the Niagara Escarpment and Georgian Bay, Collingwood has really grown into a four season destination.  In the Winter visitors can hit the slopes, but in the Summer there are a lot of really great places to explore.

While planning our trip we were looking for a one-stop place that offered a package that included a variety of activities. Eco-adventures is located close to the caves, suspension bridge and their tour prices were very reasonable.

Our tour started with an equipment fitting and a weigh in to ensure our zip equipment would be perfectly set for each of us.  After getting suited up we headed off to see check out the view from the suspension bridge.  But not before learning a little bit about the poison ivy that grows pretty wild throughout the area.  So if you are hiking without a guide please learn a little bit about what the poison Ivy looks like before heading out because it is literally everywhere.

Poison Ivy Collingwood scenic caves tour

Our first stop was the incredible suspension bridge, which opened in 2003.  The story of its construction is also pretty impressive.  Normally a bridge is built from the ground up, but in this case it had to be built horizontally as environmental preservationists insisted that the trees below, which are rare red oaks, not be harmed or touched in any way.

Suspension bridge - Collingwood scenic caves tour

Following a bit of a hike we arrived at the treetop trekking area.  After we paired up, we were educated on how to navigate the trees safely while connected to the overhead wires.  I’ve never been afraid of heights but for some reason this part of the trip was a little stressful for me.

Tree top trekking - Collingwood scenic caves tour

The boards were thin and wobbly.  The corners were tricky, and even though I knew I would be okay if I fell, I just didn’t want that to happen.  In total there are 16 trees to navigate through before you hit your first zip.  It took us about between 40-60 minutes to get through the course.  A newbie, it was all a little foreign to me but still adventurous.

Treetop trekking Collingwood scenic caves tour

Once we hit tree 16 we zipped down to the ground and then headed off to check out the caves.

first zip - Collingwood scenic caves tour

Collingwood is well known for their caves so I was excited to check them out.  Our tour, however, only included a small portion of the caves, but the wristband you get when you check in gives you access to the area for the rest of the day so you are free to explore after you are done.

Collingwood scenic caves tour

After a quick trip through the caves we arrived at the top of the mountain, and the location for our last zip.  1000 meters high, I was a little freaked out waiting for my turn, but once I jumped off the platform the ride down was incredible.

Ziplining - Collingwood scenice caves tour

I thoroughly enjoy my day out in Collingwood and look forward to coming back to further explore the area.  Adventurers who want to zip some more can also try out the Twin Zip.  It is an additional price, but offered as a great discount if you are already booked on a tour.

Twin zip - Collingwood scenic caves tour


  • Bring bug spray and sunscreen
  • There is a weight/height restriction so if you want your kids to participate on the tour you should check with the company on the specifics.
  • All visitors must wear hiking boots or running shoes.  No sandals are permitted – no exceptions.
  • Because your bag must stay with you at all time – even while going down the zip line, it is best to bring a backpack or fanny pack to carry your belongings.
  • Make sure you pack a camera or GoPro the views on this trip are pretty awesome.
  • A granola bar and water is served after the first zip, but if you think you’ll need more pack that in your bag.
  • The tour is about 3 hours.
Lisa Arneill
Lisa Arneill
Canadian mom of 2 busy boys (one with #ASD), photo addict, lover of adventure and wrinkly dogs. Also founder of Growing Your Baby - a parenting website.

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