Travel Back 100 years at The Doon Heritage Village

While looking for something to do with the kids last Summer I stumbled upon the Waterloo Region Museum and Doon Heritage Village.  A sprawling ‘town’, just at the edge of our city, this attraction is a great way for kids to learn more about the history of the Kitchener-Waterloo area and the people who laid the foundation for the city it is now. Waterloo Museum With two areas to explore, this destination has become a favorite spot for us to visit when we are looking for something to do close by. When you arrive the first space you will tour is the Museum.  A large collection of memorabilia from years past, this building spotlights the companies and industries that made the area a popular spot for immigrating families.
Waterloo Region’s story spans thousands of years, from First Nation’s peoples’ first connections to this land, to European settlement and industrialization, to the vibrant high tech community of today.
As you enter you will be welcomed by a bright red wheel. The Waterloo Museum - Hazel the red wheel Hazel, the steam engine, was installed at that time to operate a huge generator which supplied all the power for the Kaufman Footwear factory’s eight electric motors and the lighting system. The exhaust steam from the engine also helped to heat the building during the winter.  Sadly, in 2000, after almost 100 years of business, the Kaufman Footwear declared bankruptcy. But Hazel still remains to remind us of the incredible innovations that powered industry so many years ago. When Abraham Weber (1787-1867) immigrated to Waterloo County from Pennsylvania in 1807, he did so in a caravan of four wagons, bringing more than eighteen settlers.  The Conestoga wagon he used is on exhibit in the Waterloo Region Museum.  This wagon is one of only a few original Conestoga wagons from the 1700s remaining in North America. The Waterloo Museum - conestoga wagon As you wander around the museum you can see the evolution of industry, some of the great companies that made this area famous for being manufacturing a mecca.  Everything from children’s toys, home electronics, clothing and footwear was made in this city over the last century. The Waterloo Museum Upstairs the museum has set up a gallery to spotlight some of the incredible people, who have made a difference in the area.  Here you will find the Andrew Jenkins display.  The Waterloo resident became a media sensation in 1869 when he rode a bicycle-like contraption on a rope stretched across the gorge at Niagara Falls. Waterloo Region Museum - Andrew jenkins Display After learning about the region, you can venture outside to see how local families lived 100 years ago.  Set in 1914 the Doon Heritage Village is a small town that is set up to show life for families in all socio-economic brackets. The first stop is the Petersburg train station – complete with a Steam Train Engine 894 that was gifted to the City of Kitchener in 1964.  Every kids wants to climb on this train and they can!  They can also go inside the station and grab a ticket to their destination. Doon Heritage Village - Steam Train Engine 894 Just past the train is the Martin Farm house, which features 4 kitchens, and two living spaces for the family and their in-laws.  Kids can pump water in the sink or get a look at some of the toys kids a century ago played with.  This incredible home features two huge floors and also a cellar. Doon Heritage Village - Peter Martin Farm Next you will head down the gravel path, through the covered bridge to town where there is a general store, post office, seamstress, blacksmith and meat shop.  In many of these building there are staff on hand to help teach visitors about what their shops purpose was and what the town’s residents would do there. Doon Heritage Village - town As you make your way through the town make sure you look to see if there are any special activities being offered.  In the past my boys have helped with manually cleaning and hanging the laundry, but this past weekend they got to fish in the river beside the bridge and did some barn chores which they are still talking about. Doon Heritage Village - doing chores History lovers will enjoy that there are a variety of homes in the town that show how different families lived during this time.  Aside from the Martin Farmhouse there is the Sararas/Bricker Farm, Siebert House, and McArthur house(below). Doon Heritage Village - Siebert House Founded in 1956, many of the many buildings were relocated to the village or were replicated to exhibit collections in the 1960s. Often threatened because of growth and road construction, the sites were transferred and set-up to be appreciated by future generations. In 1966, the Limerick Cemetery located near Highway 8 and Highway 401, stood in the way of development and ultimately, more than one hundred burials were disinterred and reburied next to the Freeport Church at the village. Doon Heritage Village - church During the 1970s, several buildings were moved to the village –  most notably was the aforementioned Peter Martin House moved from Weber Street North in Waterloo. The house, built ca. 1820, was originally owned by Peter Martin and his wife Anna Zimmerman. Many members of the local Mennonite community trace their ancestry back to this family. If you are stopping by for a visit plan to spend three of four hours between the Museum and the village.  There is a lot to see and do. Please visit the WaterlooRegionMuseum website for more information on hours, location and admission

Bed Bug Problem in Canada and US ‘Worse than Ever’

Travellers beware! As we all continue our Summer travels there is one thing that families should be aware of when exploring.  After all you only want to bring home memories… According to experts, the bed bug problem in Canada and the United States is getting worse instead of better. In fact, the populations of them are multiplying in record numbers in cities and smaller communities across the country – up more than 20 percent since last year. Bed bug
“They’ve got a really good foothold in Canada and the United States, and we don’t see that changing anytime soon,” Mike Heimback of Abell Pest Control, told CTV’s Canada AM on Monday Morning. He added that, while they had started out as an urban problem – occupying primarily largely occupied towns and cities – they’ve now spread to rural and less-populated areas over in recent years.
About the size, shape and color of an apple seed, bed-begs hide in the seams of mattresses. At night, when the bed is occupied, they emerge to feed. The bite is similar to that of a mosquito bite – an itchy welt in the spot where they drew blood from the skin.
Image via Bed Bugs Treatment Site
Image via Bed Bugs Treatment Site
They hitchhike rides in suitcases, clothing, and bags. But they can also be found in discarded furniture and electronics that people bring into their home. The worst part is, unless you check inside your mattress, you’re unlikely to realize you have an infestation at first.
“They know how to live unseen,” Heimback said. “The key is to learn to identify them and to act quickly if you get them.”
Bed begs aren’t sanctioned to certain socioeconomic classes, and they don’t discriminate. They can be found in even some of the top hotel chains. But you can check for them in your home, in hotels, and in used furniture to either avoid or get rid of the problem. Tell-tale signs of bed bugs include the small, red bites as well as leftover insect husks, blood spots and black droppings in mattress seams and near the headboard. If you see this in a hotel, request a different room. If you see it in used furniture that you plan to purchase, don’t buy the item. If you see it in your home, call an exterminator.
“You can’t get rid of them,” Heimback said. “You have to call an exterminator.”
In fact, Heimback says that trying to get rid of them by yourself with over-the-counter sprays can end up making the problem worse. More times than not, you’ll simply agitate the pests and force them to spread out, which will ultimately widen the area of your home infestation. The time you’re most likely to experience an infestation? According to Heimback, it’s the warmer months, between June and October. This is when bed bugs reproduce the fastest. It’s also when most people are traveling, and since the pests are extremely transferable, they often find their way into people’s homes during this time of year. For a complete list of hotels that have been reported to carry bed bugs, you can check out the Bed Bug Registry. And for more information on how to prevent bed bug infestations, check out the Ontario bed bug information site. SOURCE  

MSC Cruises Teams Up With Chicco To Offer Travelling Families Convenience At Sea

There are a lot of great perks in the works for families looking to travel with MSC Cruises in the future.  In May it was revealed that MSC Cruises has ordered two new ships, that will set records for the line – accommodating 5,300 passengers. MSC Cruises Teams Up With  Chicco Two weeks ago the cruise line announced they will install new technology across their entire fleet to enable ship-to-shore care of children with onshore support from specialists at the Gaslini Institute. Operational September 1, 2014, fleet-wide, MSC Cruises’ onboard doctors will be able to consult specialist pediatricians at any time to seek a second opinion or carry out procedures such as remote diagnosis, radiology and monitoring. This week MSC Cruises made public a new partnership they had forged with family gear company Chicco, which offers families a cruise tailor-made for babies. The brands, two global flag-carriers of Italian excellence, have joined forces to make a range of Chicco’s outstanding products available to families in custom-built children areas on six ships of the expanding MSC Cruises fleet. MSC Cruises Teams Up With Chicco MSC Cruises and Chicco partnered to offer an ideal vacation for families with very small children free of any practical worries. Indeed, the well-being of babies is at the heart of the partnership and everything has been thought of in order to help parents handle the schedule of a baby’s day: feeding, napping, changing and all other necessities. MSC Cruises Teams Up With Chicco
“We are enthusiastically starting this new journey with Chicco, a dynamic company that marries an innovative approach with experience and tradition,” declared Gianni Onorato, CEO of MSC Cruises. “With this new collaboration MSC Cruises improves even more its family-oriented offers and services. We always have the safety of our guests in mind, especially children, and Chicco embodies exactly that, as well as the ‘made in Italy‘ label that both our companies proudly represent across the world. We offer tailor-made vacations mixed with incomparable hospitality. The partnership with Chicco is set in the long term as they will play an essential role also in the design of specific and innovative kids’ areas in the ships that are being built in France and Italy.” “It is with equal enthusiasm that we have embraced the collaboration with MSC Cruises, a partner and a project in which we have found the same values and the same attention that we give to families,” commented Claudio De Conto, CEO of Gruppo Artsana to which Chicco belongs. “We are delighted and proud to have contributed our experience to design with MSC Cruises an onboard holiday fit for toddlers. Our expertise is the result of constant research with experts and especially with parents, as they know the needs of their children better than anyone else. It is a valuable knowhow that we have shared with MSC Cruises because for more than 50 years our biggest reward has been the smile of children – especially when on vacation with their parents.”
Chicco has long been a choice of our family when we are travelling.  They have a long list of incredible gear that is perfect for families on the go. Stressed about lugging your whole home on vacation with you?  MSC Cruises will make available a wide choice of Chicco childcare equipment, including strollers, bottle warmers and baby backpacks for shore excursions, to make cruising even simpler for families with babies and toddlers. chicco travel gear MSC Cruises will also give families a “Baby Globetrotter“– a printed guide packed with information on services and mini-club activities, game ideas, kids menus and handy tips for family excursions according to the ship’s itinerary. In addition, the Chicco Observatory, a developmental research lab focusing on the under threes, will provide the special training of MSC staff who will manage onboard childcare and give advice to families, in order to enjoy a relaxed and entertaining family cruise. The collaboration between MSC Cruises and Chicco will be enhanced with the building of special areas on two Lirica class ships within the Renaissance Program*. These areas will also be found on the new ships to be built by STX France and FINCANTIERI. And parents on a budget will be thrilled to know kids 11 and under sail free year-round on MSC Cruises with kids 17 and under sailing at reduced rates.

5 Ways To Help Kids Learn More While They’re on Vacation

Now that our boys are past the toddler stage, we have been choosing destinations and daytrips that help them learn more about our world and the people we share it with.  Last Summer we visited a lot of historic sites to give them an appreciation of the incredible events that paved the way for how we live today.  But the learning that they were able to do while we were exploring new places wouldn’t have been possible if we hadn’t help them learn a little more at home. Here are 5 ways that you can help your child learn more while they are on vacation: Pre-research your location or city:  When we made the decision to visit Washington last Summer I knew the trip would only be a partial success if my boys didn’t know the significance of the city.  About 4 weeks before our trip we sat down and started to learn more about the city, it’s history, it’s relevance to the country and of course, the judicial system.  And while I know this seems like a lot of information to cover with a 4 and 8 year-old, I managed to present it in a way that they picked it up quickly.  We started with George Washington and worked our way down to Obama.  The whole month of August felt like Washington History month here at the Arneill residence, but it worked.  Both kids loved visiting the city because they could actually pick out some of the locations that we had learned about and spotted a few that we didn’t have time to touch on.  To add an extra cool twist to our trip, we were there during the Martin Luther King, 50th anniversary of his “I have a dream” speech. 50th anniversary of MLK's I have a gream speech Take the Tour – I will admit I prefer to explore a location on my own rather than take a tour because I sometimes find that tours can be time consuming and the kids start to fade half way through.  This past Summer while visiting many historical locations, it was mandatory to take a tour in order to see the building or site and we learned a lot.  We often lucked out and only ended up on tours with less than 10 people, but all of the guides did a great job of bringing each site to life.  We learned little details that weren’t noted anywhere else and were really able to get a good feel of the place and it’s history.  Looking back some of the sites the boys enjoyed the most were the ones that we chose to take the guided tour. Dundurn Castle - entrance hall Let the kids pick – While visiting different museums and attractions we picked up lots of pamphlets from the visitor centers.  While we were driving my boys would look through them and pick out which places looked interesting to them.  At first I thought their requests would be filled with amusement parks but I was wrong.  They asked to go to some pretty cool spots.  The upside to this was that they were more excited when we got there because they picked it! George Washington's Mount Vernon Help them map the route – Grab a map and locate your destination.  Plan your route and show your kids the direction you are going in and some of the places you’ll pass on your way.  This is great to do if you are traveling an hour away or 10 hours.  It’s important for kids to know where and how you are getting to your destination.  This also gives them a better idea of where their city sits in relation to other main cities, provinces, and states.  For us it also helps them mentally prepare for how long they are going to be in the car. Give them a camera and let them capture their adventure – I am normally the photographer in our family, but over the last year I have been handing the camera off to the kids to see what they capture.  My oldest was gifted an underwater camera for his birthday last year so that has come in handy to help him document pool or beach days.  This also gives them a better appreciation of what they’re seeing and allows them to capture the moments that interest them the most. Plus, after they get some practice they may capture you living in the moment. boy photographing vacation *It’s important to note that if you are going to do this they should have their own camera so that there’s no passing back and forth, which could prevent someone from ‘missing a moment’.   Tie the destination’s significance into how we live today – Most destination’s come with some history.  Whether it is a building that was inhabited hundreds of years ago or a coastal town that has been popular for vacationers for 50 years help your kids understand what makes that place special and how that ties into our lives now. Royal Ontario Museum - mummified woman Whether you learn more about your town, state or another country it’s important for kids to understand the world around them and visiting historical sites, national parks, local museums and attractions gives them a better appreciation of how much our world has changed over the past couple hundred years.   Often real life experiences will ignite kids to want to learn more about an era or subject.  For us that happened last March when we visited the Royal Ontario Museum.  We were there to see the Dinosaur exhibit, but while walking through the Egyptian exhibit my son became obsessed with the time period, the tombs, rituals and their lifestyle.  It was totally unexpected, but for the next three weeks he picked through books and documentaries about Egypt and learned so much.  

Disney’s Hollywood Studios Announces “Frozen Summer Fun Live!”

Are your kids still obsessed with Disney’s blockbuster Frozen?  But nothing you do seems to decrease the craze?  With a shortage of merchandise in stores, your best bet may be a roadtrip to Orlando! Disney Hollywood Studios Frozen Summer Fun Live This summer, Disney’s Hollywood Studios will be celebrating “Frozen,” the hit animated feature film, with a daily character procession, sing-alongs with Anna and Elsa, fireworks, a polar playground, ice skating rink, ice carving demonstrations and a nightly party featuring a live band, all themed to the worldwide phenomenon. Disney's Hollywood Studios Frozen Summer Fun Live From July 5-Sept. 1, 2014, “Frozen Summer Fun Live!” will bring to life the world of royal sisters Anna and Elsa and their fairy tale kingdom of Arendelle.  Most activities are included in theme park admission. Special experiences will immerse guests in lots of Frozen fun. Here are some highlights (*schedule subject to change without notice): Anna’s & Elsa’s Royal Welcome:  Each day at 11 a.m., Anna and Elsa, riding in a horse-drawn sleigh, will travel in a royal procession down Hollywood Boulevard.  Rugged mountain man Kristoff is along for the fun joined by a flurry of skaters, skiers and ice cutters, all dressed in their Arendelle best. For The First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration: Inside the park’s Premiere Theater, Princess Anna and Queen Elsa join the Royal Historians of Arendelle for a fun and comedic retelling of the history of their kingdom amidst projections, lighting and special effects.  Guests will be invited to join in special sing-along moments from the film’s chart-topping soundtrack.  At the end of the performance, guests might find themselves becoming “Honorary Citizens of Arendelle.”  The 20-minute show will be presented multiple times each day. Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post & Frozen Funland: There’s a “big summer blowout” happening inside the park’s Soundstage One, where Oaken – the film’s trading post owner – and his cousins have created the “Frozen Funland” amidst a winter wonderland.  Living up to its name, there will be plenty of frozen festivities inside the makeshift adventure park Oaken and his cousins built to make the most of the sudden snowstorm. Part of the Oaken’s Frozen Funland will be an ice skating rink with demonstrations by some of Oaken’s talented cousins on the Arendelle ice. In addition, icy artisans will put their talents on display, creating carvings of favorite “Frozen” characters from giant frozen blocks.  Kids can enjoy frozen wintertime activities in the “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” area.  For all of his Frozen Funland friends, Oaken has plenty of merchandise at his Trading Post, along with hot cocoa and sweet treats available for purchase. Guests can take pictures with the film’s animated characters in a virtual setting, and then email them or share on their social media channels. When guests want to escape the icy atmosphere of Oaken’s outpost, all they have to do is look for the door marked “Sauna,” where they once again will exit to the warm Florida sun. Coolest Summer Ever Dance Party: From 5:30-9:30 p.m. each evening, a live band will take the stage to celebrate the Frozen summer fun with contemporary songs and a few familiar tunes from the film. Take-Along Olaf: As a special feature before the fireworks, guests will have a chance to be a part of a pre-show celebration by hashtagging photos of themselves in the park with a “Take-Along Olaf.”  Throughout the day, Take-Along Olafs will be distributed at various locations in the park.  Guests are then invited to take Olaf along with them on their Disney’s Hollywood Studios adventures.  By sharing their photos with the unique hashtag #OlafSummerVacation, their photos may appear on the big screen in this special pre-show feature. Frozen Fireworks: At 9:35 each evening, the giant Sorcerer Mickey Hat on Hollywood Blvd. gets the full Frozen treatment with special projections of snow and ice images, in an eye-popping spectacular above Hollywood Blvd.  Set to the film’s soundtrack, the fireworks show will feature some special guests – including a very magical appearance from Elsa in which she will show how her powers flurry “through the air and to the ground” to produce magically icy blue and white gleaming fireworks. More Frozen Fun! The Frozen festivities do not end at Disney’s Hollywood Studios! At Magic Kingdom, fans can get immersed in these “Frozen” fantasies:
  • Meet Anna and Elsa inside Princess Fairytale Hall in Fantasyland
  • Anna and Elsa appear in the new daytime spectacular “Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade”
  • The “Celebrate the Magic” nighttime projection show transforms Cinderella Castle with visuals from “Frozen.”

New Report Finds Many US Beaches below Safety Standards

If your holiday plans for Canada Day or July 4th long weekend involve a trip to the beach, you need to take note of a new report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which found that ten percent of water samples taken from U.S. coastal and lake beaches fail to meet safety standards. beach Steve Fleischli, water program director for the Natural Resources Defense Council said,
“There can be hidden dangers lurking in many of our waterways in the form of bacteria and viruses that can cause a great inventory of illnesses like dysentery, hepatitis, stomach flu, infections and rashes.”
The report is based on nearly 500 samples taken annually at beaches around the country. They found Great Lakes beaches have the highest failure rate with major bacterial content. The agency said that the findings prove that water pollution due to storm water runoff and sewage overflows were persistent in the US. Storm-water runoff often includes trash, chemicals, oil and animal and human waste as well as bacteria and viruses. “It’s really all of our urban slobber going untreated into local waterways,” Fleischli said. On the brighter side, the agency did give star points to 35 popular beaches for their superb water quality. These beaches met national water quality standards 98 percent of the time over the past five years. They include:
  • Delaware: Dewey Beach-Swedes in Sussex County
  • Florida: Bowman’s Beach in Lee County
  • Georgia: Tybee Island North in Chatham County
  • Massachusetts: Singing Beach in Essex County
  • New Jersey: Stone Harbor at 96th St. in Cape May County
The 17 “repeat offenders” that continue to have serious water pollution problems include:
  • California: Malibu Pier, 50 yards East of the pier, in Los Angeles County
  • Indiana: Jeorse Park Beach in Lake County
  • Massachusetts: Cockle Cove Creek in Barnstable County
  • Maine: Goodies Beach in Knox County
  • New Jersey: Beachwood Beach in Ocean County
  • New York: Main Street Beach in Chautauqua County
Comparatively, 13 percent of the samples from the Great Lakes failed to meet the standard. Other beaches where the swimming water was found to be highly contaminated include, the Gulf Coast (12 percent), New England (11 percent), the western coast (9 percent), New York and New Jersey coasts (7 percent), and the southeast (7 percent). States with the highest failure rates include: Ohio (35 percent), Alaska (24 percent) and Mississippi (21 percent). At Delmarva Peninsula area on the East Coast, only 4 percent of the samples failed the test, making these waters safe for swimming. Three states had a failure rate of just 3 percent: Delaware, New Hampshire and New Jersey, the researchers found. The EPA has found that approximately 3.5 million Americans fall sick due to contact with raw sewage overflows each year.
“The elderly and little kids are most likely to fall prey to contamination in the water because of their weaker immune systems,” Fleischli said. “Children are also more likely to dunk their heads under the water or swallow water when swimming, both of which increase risk,” he added.
Historically the largest source of beach water pollution has been the storm runoff. More than 10 trillion gallons of untreated storm water, including billions of gallons of untreated sewage, find their way into America’s waterways each year, according to the EPA. Beaches are required to be tested under the federal Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health (BEACH) Act for bacteria. If the bacteria level is too high, especially after heavy rain, beaches may be closed or people advised not to swim. The best way to safeguard beaches the council said is to invest in “smarter, greener infrastructure on land, like porous pavement, green roofs, parks, roadside plantings and rain barrels.” The simple alterations help rain to evaporate or filter into the ground instead of being carried from dirty streets to beaches. SOURCE  

Universal Orlando Reveals Opening Date For Diagon Alley!!

It’s the day we’ve been waiting for!  Today, during a media preview, Universal Studios Orlando revealed that their newest attraction  Wizarding World of Harry Potter – Diagon Alley is set to open on July 8th!! Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Diagon Alley at night Mark your calendars everyone.  It’s going to be EPIC!  Do you remember the chaos that occurred just a couple of years ago?  Some predict there could be an 8 hour wait just for the train.  This would be a good time for them to hold an all-nighter event because there will be lots to see and do. Because the two ‘worlds’ and fairly far apart Universal has created a way to merge the two while expanding the experience. Guests can board the Hogwarts Express and journey between London’s King’s Cross Station (located in Universal Studios Florida) and Hogsmeade Station (located in Universal’s Islands of Adventure). The journey will be filled with views of London and the British countryside – as well as a few surprises. Park-to-park admission is required. Hogsmede train at the  Wizarding World of Harry Potter Diagon Alley Buckbeak Once in Diagon Alley you can eat, ride, shop or just take in the incredible detail that has been poured into the city. I am personally looking forward to experiencing the new, multi-dimensional thrill ride, Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts, which will place riders in the middle of an incredible adventure as they navigate their way through the perils of the Gringotts vaults. Diagon Alley, the Escape from Gringotts Universal Orlando My kids are excited to see the new Ollivanders shop and see what the Weasleys are selling at the new Wizard Wheezes shop. Along with the date Universal also shared some new images of Diagon Alley! Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Diagon Alley -

With the opening just a couple weeks away what are you most excited about?

B Resort & Spa Set To Open at Walt Disney World® Resort!

If you are planning to visit Walt Disney World® Resort in the near future there is a new hotel you may want to check out! This week the B Resort & Spa is set to open in the heart of the Downtown Disney® Area minutes from Walt Disney World® Theme Parks and the Orange County Convention Center. Following a massive redesign, the 394-room resort promises to be equally fun for adults and children with luxurious appointments, innovative technologies and an array of unique activities. B Resort & Spa orlando B Resort & Spa is the first resort of South Florida-based B Hotels & Resorts®.  Designed for travelers across all genres, the property offers an array of signature B Hotels & Resorts® amenities, including:
  • Unique Food and Beverage Offerings – Opening on the heels of the B Resort & Spa will be American Q restaurant, developed in partnership with restaurateur Jeffrey Chodorow and China Grill Management. The group of China Grill and Asia de Cuba fame continues its tradition of F&B innovation with this inaugural American Q. The restaurant puts a modern twist on classic barbeque, featuring specialties from regions throughout the U.S. and Latin America.
  • B Indulged® Spa by AVEDA – The brand’s first full-service spa pairs pure botanical products with the ancient science of AVEDA. Opening later this summer, the spa will have offerings for men, women, children and teens.
  • Inspiring, Playful Design – The lobby and corridors feature white marble floors and bright pops of color from the B Artistic Exhibit, showcasing Orlando’s vibrant arts scene.
Lobby - B Resort & Spa, Orlando
  • Innovative Technology – Guests can B in touch with loaner iPads, FreeB Wi-Fi and Monscierge digital concierge service and destination guide.
  • Stylish Function Space – With state-of-the-art ballrooms, boardrooms and an expansive terrace, B Resort & Spa offers 25,000-plus square feet of flexible meeting space.
B Resort & Spa orlando - meeting space In addition parents will like that there is a Kid’s Club at B Resort where kids and parents can play with games and watch movies, a zero entry pool and Bunk beds featured in select guestrooms! Bunk bed room - B Resort & Spa, Orlando For more information please visit the B Resorts Website.  Rates start at $159/night through June 30, 2014.

Visiting The White Water Walk in Niagara Falls {VIDEO}

As a kid we visited Niagara Falls almost every Summer, and as an Ontarian it is almost a must visit at least once a year. But it wasn’t until the last couple years that I have actually started to really appreciate the area.  While the falls are the big draw there are quite a few other attractions that are fun to visit – including the White Water Walk. After the water spills over the falls it makes it way down the Niagara river headed towards Lake Ontario. Just before it makes a right hand turn(at the Whirlpool) the gorge is reduced, which creates an incredible stretch of class 6 rapids. To make it easier to see Niagara Parks has added a main platform and two lookout points. The observation areas are joined by a boardwalk, which allows visitors to enjoy more of the view and a nice stroll. Our adventure started with a quick trip down the vintage elevator and a stroll through a steel tunnel. Tunnel to White Water Walk in Niagara Falls Once you exit the tunnel you will step onto the first observation area. Here you get an incredible view of the Whirlpool Bridge. This bridge is cool because it is a two level bridge that transports railway traffic on the top and vehicles on the bottom. White Water Walk in Niagara Falls - view of WHirlpool Bridge After you take in the beautiful view you can make your way down the boardwalk to the next lookout. Boardwalk at White Water Walk in Niagara Falls Here you can check out the rushing waters from one of two observation areas. Panorama at White Water Walk in Niagara Falls Just a short walk away there is a second area with more breathtaking views! White Water Walk in Niagara Falls - panorama From 1895 to 1935 The Great Gorge train route ran along the side of the Niagara River. If you look carefully on the other side of the river you can still see the tracks that were once used to transport guests around the Niagara Parks area. In total the Whirlpool Rapids run for four kilometers down the river.  The White Water Walk, however, is a quick 1/4 mile walk that is appropriate for every member of the family. If you are in the Niagara area I highly recommend visiting the white water walk. With its chiseled cliffs and scenic views the sight will most definitely take your breathe away! views of White Water Walk in Niagara Falls Additional Notes:
  • There is free parking in front of the entrance to the building, and also additional parking across the street if you are visiting on a busy day.
  • This site is fully stroller and wheelchair accessible.
  • Plan about 30-40 minutes to take in the site.
  • The Whirlpool bridge beside the White Water Walk does connect to the United States, but is only for NEXUS pass holders.  If you are looking to cross you will have to drive to the Rainbow bridge, just down from the falls, Erie Bridge or Lewiston.
  • If you are visiting on a really hot day you may want to spend some extra time in the tunnel. It’s nice and cool and the perfect spot to ‘chill’ if you are overheating.
  • Admission $10.95 Adult + tax(13+ years), $7.00Child + tax (6-12 years).  Kids Under 5 are free!
Parking at White Water Walk in Niagara Falls We created a video of our visit. Please check it out!

Living The Suite Life At El Dorado Maroma Mexico!

Sometimes it’s fun to see the best a hotel offers, and while visiting Mexico a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to tour the ‘presidential suite’ at Karisma Hotel’s El Dorado’s Maroma Resort. El Dorado Maroma overview Situated on beautiful Maroma beach, this gourmet inclusive adults-only resort offers luxury and relaxation for all their guests, but the Beachfront Villas really take it to the next level. El Dorado Maroma Beachfront Villas - beach view As parents we don’t often set time aside for ourselves, but it’s important to.  And while I know that we don’t all have the budget to stay in a two floor beachfront villa in the Caribbean, it sure is nice to dream! El Dorado Maroma Beachfront Villas - beach This 2,760 sq. ft suite features an open floor plan that overlooks the beach and ocean. The main floor includes a spacious living area, dining area, full bath, marble bar and and incredible kitchen, which comes complete with premium National and International liquor and beer, and a freezer stocked with Haagen Daas ice cream! El Dorado Maroma Beachfront Villas - main floor The upstairs living space has a king size bed, another flat screen TV and sitting area.  Outside there is a patio with a chaise lounge which overlooks the ocean. El Dorado Maroma Beachfront Villas - master bedroom Just adjacent to the bedroom is a sprawling bathroom complete with a two person jacuzzi with one incredible view!  It is also equipped with a double vanity, two showers (including one outside!) and Bulgari amenities. El Dorado Maroma Beachfront Villas - master bedroom jacuzzi Outside you can relax on the patio, enjoy the beach or swim in your Private pool. El Dorado Maroma Beachfront Villas - patio and pool Guests also have the option to enjoy a private dinner in-suite or a moonlight beach dinner prepared by a personal world-class chef. El Dorado Maroma beachfront dining If you are looking to splurge on your next vacation this villa is definitely one I’d consider.  Maroma beach has been named as one of the Travel Channel’s top 10 beaches in the world and it doesn’t disappoint.  The sand is soft and the water is incredible.  Plus, it’s located just down from Maroma Adventures, a park that offers dolphin swims, ATV tours, speed boats, catamaran snorkel cruises and camel rides! Please check out the video we put together of this gorgeous villa! For more information about the El Dorado Maroma Resort, amenities, dining options and additional suites please visit their site,